Battlefieldtour ‘Teerosen’

From,,es,‘Teerosen’-tour,,en,leads to the former locations,,nl,With this advanced level system the position of German day could,,nl,be tested,,nl,See home page / Events,,nl,Visit to Museum Deelen Airbase,,nl,incl.,,en,Museum entrance VIb Details and simple reader with background information,,nl,lunch rest,,nl,a reader,,nl,in binder,,nl,with extensive background information and incl,,nl,diary Unteroffizier Teerose,,af,is available for €,,nl,The participation fee is required upon payment,,nl ‘Teerosen’-tour is organized on request and leads to the sites of the former Y-peil stations ‘Teerosen 1 , 2 is organized on request and leads to the sites of the former Luftwaffe in the Wet. Glider Centre Terlet and in Nat.Park 'Posbank'. With this active bearing-system, the position of German day /night -- fighters (NOT the enemy aircraft !) could be detected, also the ground-air communication’ (surface to air) radio-communication was transferred via the 'Y-line'.
Note: This tour includes an introductory PowerPoint presentation except for a few walks through the grounds and therefore requires good footwear and (rain)clothing, Unfortunately, this tour is not suitable for guests with mobility problems or wheelchair users!
Scheduled date 'Teerosen’ battlefieldtour 2024: to be defined (TBA) zie ‘events’ on the "home.",,nl,page ,,en, NB ovb,,en,permission Natuurmonumenten,,nl,on the "home.",,nl,page ,,en, NB ovb,,en,permission Natuurmonumenten,,nl’ page
The 'open’ is organized on request and leads to the sites of the former 10 participants have registered!
The participation fee for this battlefield tour € 49,50 pp. incl. Access Museum VIb Deelen, GBG Guide, site license Nat.Monumenten (ovb.toestemming) , free transportation by DRG vehicle for participants by OV / by bike) have the advantage. The lunch in restaurant. De Thermiekbel is niet bij de prijs inbegrepen.
For private groups >10 persons a discount of 10% at the regular rate applies with a minimum of € 495,- .
Programmatic details:
– Powerpoint introduction to the Y-system of the Luftwaffe,
– Walk to Teerosen 1 site Terlet, (plm.. 2 kms)
– Visit by car and on foot to the mysterious 'Teerosen 3’ location in Nat.Park Veluwezoom site (and. 3 km), NB ovb. toestemming Natuurmonumenten.
– Visit to Monument crash location Lancaster R5551 / RV-Z , 106 Sqdrn RAF (NEC. permission NatMon)
– Lunch in Thermiekbel / Terlet (not included)
– By car to the beautiful Posbank and walk around Teerosen 2 location (plm.4 km)
Start of the tour is 09.30 hours : Nat. Gliding Centre Terlet, Cafe-Restaurant de Thermiekbel,
Apeldoornseweg 203, 6816 SM Arnhem
End Time is approx. 16.00 Thermiekbel / Terlet
INFO / Book No:06-21865900 (ma-vr 09.00-17.00) or via contact form on this site