DRG Battlefieldtours & Books

Airwar '40-'45 – On. Market Garden – Liberation 1945

Battlefieldtour Operation Infatuate I & II: de bevrijding van Walcheren

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  • Date: Sun, Jun 21, 2020
  • Time: 09:00 - 18:00
  • Location: Goes

walcheren schelde infatuate

Operation Infatuate, de codenaam voor de invasie het eiland Walcheren, was a large-scale combined operation with amphibious vehicles that had to land on the very heavily defended and buried German positions.”

Deze fase van de strijd om de Scheldemonding betrof de bevrijding van Walcheren, the last piece of land along the Scheldt estuary that was still in German hands. The only access by land was the Sloedam that connected the island with South Beveland. Het geallieerde opperbevel besloot de dijken van Walcheren door de R.A.F. te laten bombarderen. Hierdoor kwamen grote delen van Walcheren onder water te staan, but the use of amphibious vehicles on the island became possible. The subsequent attack was carried out simultaneously from three sides: over de Sloedam (The Causeway) vanuit het oosten, over de Westerschelde vanuit het zuiden (Vlissingen Infatuate I ) en over de zee vanuit het westen (Westkapelle Infatuate II).


BOEKINGEN/ INFO: https://www.battlefieldtours.nu/package/slag-om-schelde-operation-infatuate-i-en-ii-slag-om-sloedam/